The Qualities of a Number
1. Measurements?
2. Unit?
3. Significant Figure?
4. Precision?
5. Accuracy?
Steps : Zeros As A Significant Figure
A.2 Significant Figures and Mathematical Operations
Mathematical Operations?
Rounding Off
Rules for rounding off a number
Changing Numbers into Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation
Mathematical Manipulation of Scientific Notation
The English System of Measurements
The Metric System of Measurements
What are the three basic units:
Large Numbers
Name | deca | hecto | kilo | mega | giga | tera | peta | exa | zetta | yotta |
Symbol | da | h | k | M | G | T | P | E | Z | Y |
Factor | 101 | 102 | 103 | 106 | 109 | 1012 | 1015 | 1018 | 1021 | 1024 |
Small Numbers
Name | deci | centi | milli | micro | nano | pico | femto | atto | zepto | yocto |
Symbol | d | c | m | µ | n | p | f | a | z | y |
Factor | 10-1 | 10-2 | 10-3 | 10-6 | 10-9 | 10-12 | 10-15 | 10-18 | 10-21 | 10-24 |
The original Metric System was first developed in France back in 1670.
The modern version, (since 1960) is correctly called "International System of Units" or "SI" (from the French "Système International").